Turning Point - In Person or on Zoom
2:30 PM to 3:30 PM
49 Knox Drive
Lafayette CA 94549
Who can attend
Limited Capacity: 2 spots available
Program Introduction: Turning Point
Grief, Bereavement, and Mourning Brings Us Together In Community
Very few of us live through our lifetime without experiencing grief as a reaction to significant loss in our life. While our personal experience of grief may be the impact the death of a loved one has on us and our life, we also have other sources of grief that touch and influence our lives. The dramatic example we are living through currently is the COVID Pandemic resulting in requirements to shelter in place and quarantines that are activated or ceased by Governmental and Public Health decrees for our safety. These measures can give us feelings of isolation and resulting loneliness, the inability to share hugs or touch one another in friendship. We may also have anxiety and fear about our future. Other sources of grief may be loss of a business, our work, and our finances challenged with all affecting our lifestyle. We may also be separated from family and loved ones, feeling alone and helpless to affect our circumstances. We may be grieving over the loss of our beloved pet and constant companion. There may be health challenges and the changes aging brings as new limitations. All of these life changes and challenges can be seen as losses that may be reacted to as grief and grieving.
It is from life realities that we may face grief in some way. Through Lamorinda Village, this program offers an opportunity to come together in community and support for one another and to consider ways we can respond to the grief, bereavement, and mourning, that can affect our lives.
Our experience of loss and the time frame in which we live through loss is as individual as we are. We need one another and the “other” too, need us, as we honor each other and what we share about our lives and challenges. Our listening and respect, and our sincere welcoming and caring can be healing steps for ourselves and for all in the midst of grief, bereavement, and mourning, and as we respond and work in our own individual way to loss in our life.