Event name
Men's Coffee and Conversation - In Person and Zoom
Thu 12 / 12 / 2024
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
LOPC - Chapel Building Conference Room
Who can attend
Members only
Limited Capacity: 8 spots available
Andy Amstutz
After several years experience with our Men's Discussion Group, we know that men can have real discussions about meaningful topics beyond sports and cars.
Recently we have suggested an optional single question to discuss each month. We have cancelled the regular November 28 meeting because that is Thanksgiving Day! Also we have rescheduled the December meeting to avoid the day after Christmas! Rather we have scheduled our next meeting for December 12, between both holidays.
For this meeting, the question is:
Describe something you are most grateful for, OR
Describe one of the best gifts you have received.
Each person then offers a brief answer. After we hear from everyone, further discussion begins.
Please join us,
Andy Amstutz